Zambia is the world’s seventh largest producer of Copper that produced 861,946 metric tonnes in 2018 and holds six percent of the world’s known Copper reserves. Copper and Cobalt, the Country’s traditional exports, account for well over 70 percent of export earnings. Zambia’s Copper mines are concentrated in the Copperbelt Province, though the past decade has witnessed the establishment of mines in other parts of the Country such as the North-Western Province. Other mineral endowments include Gold, Zinc, Lead, Iron Ore, Manganese, Nickel, Feldspar, sands, Talc, Barite, Apatite, Limestone, Dolomite, Uranium, Coal, and gemstones (e.g. Diamonds, Emeralds, Aquamarine, Topaz, Opal, Agate and Amethysts). Notably, Zambia produces over 20% of the world’s Emeralds with unutilized capacity to increase its production.